This is for Kate because she told me she still reads this blog and I want to make this worth her while, poor kid.
So I've been perseverating on a topic.
Here are the front runners:
1. The importance of a good vocabulary / writing skills in life
2. Books you must read now and why
3. The life-changing benefits of meditation
4. The life-changing magic of tidying up (thanks Marie Kondo)
5. Why the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone fixed the whole ecosystem of the region
6. The power of delayed gratification
7. How the Kardashians created the maddening vocal fry syndrome and made a whole generation of young women sound like raging, witless idiots
I'm sure she's running for the hills, or a boba tea, about now. So, I'll ask her directly. What would you like to read about Birdy?
I’ve just completed Day Three of abstaining from self-derogatory comments. How’s it going for me? Let me just say that it’s the self-esteem equivalent of Everest without oxygen. (And I say that with a lot of self love, as usual.) The 31-day plan came about one night at the end of November while driving home from work. As usual, I called Sam. We kvetched about the usual stuff—including the guys in our lives—during which time I told Sam about a conversation I’d recently had with Ocho: [Scene: Ocho and I are walking my border collie, Marge, back from the beach.] Me: “I am one more day closer to being super cute.” Ocho: “?” Me: “With each new day, I am 24 hours closer to being skinnier and having longer hair.” Ocho: “Hm,” Me: “And then you’ll tell me I’m pretty again.” Ocho: [making eye contact] “I tell you you’re pretty all the time.” Me: “No you don’t.” Ocho: “Yes, I do. You’re just too fucking stupid to remember it (big smile).” “That’s a great line,” said Sam, quickly adding that I abs...