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I am delighted at having met this group of women writers who make me laugh and think and feel. I feel blessed and honored to be in their company. Thank you, Sherry, Katie, Jen, Bella, Jena, Hedgie, Deena, Jacqueline, Dee, Rachel, Church and anyone else who's crossed my literary path these past four months.

I'd like to end the year with an email written by my Community Breast Health Project writing group leader, Karen Jandorf, to a group of her friends, which--luckily--included me. Like Karen, this message is full of love, meaning and grace. And as I read it, I felt an upwelling of joy that I simply had to express before the year ended, at having met Karen and having met you.

Abundant peace and love,


Dear Friends,


For a number of reasons which interest me, friendships seem to be harder to sustain, connection harder to maintain. I suspect that all human contact is suffering from the stresses of our times. “Catching up” seems almost impossible. Accumulated experiences seem impossible to capture or communicate in a short conversation, email, or visit, which is all we seem to have the time or energy for. Relationships that have heart and meaning slide into the realm of yesterday …


May we heal what is fractured in our lives.

May we take time … make time … for one another.

May we offer each other comfort in a troubled world.

May we create connection where it seems not to exist and to

nurture it where the promise offers itself.


May you and those you love, know peace.

May you and those who love you, know joy.

May you know you are loved.

May you express the love that you are.

May you and your relationships thrive.

With love and my warmest wishes for a soul-satisfying New Year,




Anonymous said…
I couldn't agree more about the importance of creating and nurturing those relationships that give you real connection in life -- friends who nurture your soul. You've always been that for me, even on the other side of the country. Have a happy and healthy 2008. And by the way, I love the short 'do. It's very chic. Take care, Mary Hines.
lahdeedah said…
So happy to get a message from you, Mare! I'm planning a summer trip to Atlanta to see the ex-kin :) Would love to see you, the dogs and the house.

I talk about you often to my friends here. Your different careers, your many passions, your individualism. I'm hoping they'll think I'm cool because I know a big-hearted lawyer who loves science fiction, fencing and shoes.

Much love to you!

PS: The do is much longer. I stole one of your lines and use it often: "Don't let my hair frighten you."
Anonymous said…
Church wants you to know that she had been wondering where you got yourself to! So, instead of looking to Deena's blog she came up with the bright idea to actually check yours to see what's up! Merry Christmas to you and yours and may the New Year be all that you need and hope for.
You have been a very special new wonderful in my life for me to read and also to access the others you have on your blog. Falling down the rabbit hole of Reconstruct This has indeed allowed me to not only think a little differently and with a fresher outlook but it has enabled me to know that there are some very very cool women out there and that kiddo! That gives me HOPE!!
I can almost feel the beach breeze.
Later! Much Peace and Hope and Love for us all allways.
lahdeedah said…
Hey Church,

I owe you an email! I've been crazy busy the past couple of weeks. I am still toying with your brilliant idea. Until then...

I am so happy you fell down the rabbit hole! You are so full of life and energy, and I simply adore your unapologetic honesty and one-of-a-kindness.

Blessings and love to you,

SweetAnnee said…
Absolutely wonderful
I have had my eyes opened,
I know now..that all you need is love!!
and LOVE is the most important thing.
God is LOVE..
thank you for sharing the wonderful message from Karen
your Breast Friend, Deena
Sherry said…
Jill..this is beautiful and I'm so glad that you shared it with us.

I feel connected to you in such a way that I can't describe...warriors who met on the path...maybe this is how soldiers feel when they have been in battle together...a lifelong kinship of having ridden the worst of the tide and come out the other side.

Whatever it is, I know that you are a kindred spirit, a soul that has much to say and to share with the world. I know that I have been blessed to include you in my life and I'm honoured beyond measure that you feel the same way.

Wishing you and your family the most blessed of Christmas celebrations and all of the best of everything for the coming year.

KT said…
Hi Jill, what a nice message for the end of the year! Thank you for sharing. It can be really hard to keep up with friendships, in person or online, by phone or letter. But with good friends (like with the soap operas!) you can always pick up where you left off, as if no time has passed. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you through the blogging world, and I look forward to your next posting....I'm guessing in 2008? Or are you feeling ambitious? ;-)

Take care, my friend! Katie
KT said…
Hey again, forgot to thank you for the Christmas wishes! I was thrilled to see your comment on my site! The Best of Happy Holiday Wishes to you too. I'll check in on you soon, Katie
jena strong said…
Jill - I am honored to be included in your list of women writers. Here's to nurturing the worthwhile connections, and appreciating what's beautiful, what's broken, and what's whole in each other. I, too, am so glad to have found you in this funny online world (the kind I swore I'd never be part of).

Happiest new year,

xo Jena
Jenster said…
GREAT post! I, too, am delighted with all the new friendships with such truly brilliant women!

And I love the "blessing".
Sherry said…
Jill, popping in to wish you the very best that the new year has to offer...may you be blessed with health, love, happiness and laughter in abundance!!

Meeting you in '07 has been one of the joys of my year...looking forward to knowing you better as we weave our way through the next 365 days!
Dee said…
GAH I love this. So much. I am bookmarking it for any time I feel blah. I hope your new year was happy and safe and your stomach was full of yummy-ness.
bella said…
How moving.
THank you for sharing it with us.
To make time to connect is to make time for life.
love to you this new year.

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